Business Line Manager Reliable Mobility Systems
I was responsible for business and strategy in the fields of smart mobility and logistics.
For Smart mobility my ambition was to reduce traffic jams using innovations in the fields of cooperative mobility and traffic management. I was responsible for both an order intake of about 8 MEuro as well as the strategic decisions with respect to the next innovations to work on.
Next to that I was responsible for our activities in the logistic field with the ambition to help the Dutch logistic industry to maintain their high position on the Logistic Performance Indicator. In this we succeeded in increasing our turn over from about 2 MEuro to about 7 MEuro.
Key clients and partners:
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Topsector Logistiek, Topsector HTSM, DITCM, Automotive NL, Smartport, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam, Connect, European Union, TomTom, ARS, RTL, City of Helmond, City of Assen, VTRON, Province of Noord Holland, Province of Noord Brabant, BBZOB